Sporozoans are heterotrophs. They hunt, digest and store food. They feed off of animals to get the nutrition they need.

Sporozoans can reproduce sexually and asexually. Asexual reproduction can occur when a cell divides in half by binary fission. When reproducing asexually they reproduce inside red blood cells.

Sporozoans will defend themselves by hiding inside red blood cells where the parasites are protected from attacks by the antibodies of the host.

A few Sporozoan diseases are Taxoplasma, which is commonly transmitted by cat feces which can be harmful to a developing fetus. Cryptosporidium and its csyts can be found in feces of birds and animals. It is possible for it to pass through some filter systems in drinking water. It can then cause self-limiting gastroenteritis. However, Malaria is the most common.

The Sporozoans grow in the mosquitos stomach. Once they mature it moves to the mosquitos saliva glands where it releases thousand of cells called sporozoites. Then once a mosquito has bitten someone the sporozoites go into their blood steam. They then travel to the liver where the asexual spores reproduce and enter the red blood cells. The red blood cells then explode and this causes the fever and chills associated with Malaria.

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